The older you get, the harder it can be to see clearly. As you age, the lenses of your eyes become less flexible. That’s called presbyopia, and it makes it more difficult to focus on things up close, like reading a menu or texting.
The symptoms of presbyopia are similar to farsightedness, but where farsightedness is due to the size and shape of your eye, presbyopia is more to do with the aging of the eye. Almost everyone will start to see the effects of aging eyes around 40 years old.
Four questions to see if presbyopia affects you:
- Do you wear readers?
- Do you have to enlarge the text size on your phone to read messages?
- Do you extend items such as your phone or price tags further from your eyes to see them better?
- Do you have trouble reading menus in a dimly lit restaurant?
- If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s probably time to address presbyopia and your eyesight.
But not to worry, VisionFirst has several options to improve your sight.
- Readers—Because they are easily accessible and inexpensive, readers are one of the most popular options for those with mild presbyopia. However, they are not a long term fix and there are other more applicable treatments. Readers only help you see up close and can often go missing when you need them. They are not good for driving and seeing further distances.
- Bifocal & Trifocal Glasses —These prescription glasses help you see near and far (bifocal), and near, far and in-between (trifocal), respectively. Progressive Multifocal Glasses are also available without the horizontal lines on the lenses. With hundreds of frames to choose from, VisionFirst can keep you looking trendy with the latest styles.
- Contact Lenses —Multifocal contact lenses help you see clearly near and far, without the hassle of readers or glasses. They are perfect for active adults and come in monthly or daily replacements.
Schedule an appointment with one of our VisionFirst doctors, to see which treatment would be most beneficial for you.