We had so much fun making our Back to School commercial with some of our cutest clients! If you haven’t seen it yet, just scroll down to the bottom of the screen for a good laugh. We rounded up some kids to tell us why getting their eye exam before school starts in August is so important. We have written before about visual learning in children, the importance of regular eye exams and 10 health risks detected by eye exams, but we thought that hearing it from the kids would be best. Below are the top 5 reasons to get your kids in for their eye exams before school starts.
#1 To Set Them Up For Success in School
Studies show that about 80% of learning in children is visual. That means that if your child cannot see the board, their ability to learn will suffer. Often times kids who are struggling in school end up just needing to get their vision corrected. Once they can properly see, their success in school improves immensely. We like to encourage parents to bring their kids in for an annual eye exam so that they do not fall behind in school. Problems in school do not have to be the reason that you bring your child to the eye doctor. You can take action now to set up your child for success this fall.
#2 It is the Law
Did you know it is required by law that all incoming kindergarteners have an eye exam? In the state of Kentucky, kindergarteners must have an eye exam on file by January before they come back from Christmas break. You may think that means that you have some time, but once school starts and you get into your busy schedule, you will wish you had taken the kids in for their exams during the summer.
#3 To Free Up Your Schedule
Like we were saying above, school time is a busy time for young families. When you are running kids to practices with conflicting schedules, it can seem impossible to get them all in for their check ups. You will probably end up having to schedule multiple appointments for each child. Take advantage of the long summer days to get everybody in and taken care of everyone in one visit. Scheduling during the summer will ensure that your school year runs more smoothly.
#4 To Save Money
At VisionFirst, we have a Back to School Special going on through the end of September that offers free lenses for school-age children with the purchase of any frame. If you bring all of your kids in and get them set up with a new pair of glasses, you can save money on all of their lenses! If you hurry in you could even take advantage of our Summer Savings Special and save money on a pair of sunglasses for yourself.
#5 For the Best Eye Care in Town
At VisionFirst we strive to bring you the best eye care possible! We truly believe that we have some of the greatest doctors around. They work hard to stay up to date with the latest technology and best practices in eye care. We also source our lenses from Essilor, the leading eye care provider that stands out for its research-based products designed to protect your eyes.
If you need to schedule an appointment to take advantage of our offers and get your kids ready for school this fall, you can do so here. We hope to see you soon!